Product of the Month: Soothing Postpartum Sitz Bath



This custom blended herbal sitz bath contains calendula, lavender, uva ursi and a special salt blend to soothe and restore sensitive areas after birth. Each package contains enough for 3 sitz baths.

$10.80 (10% off regular price)

(What is a sitz bath? It is a bath in a small basin that allows you to soak after birth. It can relieve tears, abrasions, hemorrhoids, etc after birth. You may be given one as part of a postpartum kit from the hospital or you can purchase them on Amazon. Find out how to use one here. You will need to prepare the sitz bath mixture with boiling water, strain and then place in the sitz bath basin.)


April Specials at Heidi Ella Wellness and Massage Therapy


This month we are highlighting Cesarean Awareness Month at Heidi Ella Wellness and Massage. Did you know that massage therapy and yoga during pregnancy can help with a better labor and recovery time? Both Heidi Ella Wellness and Massage and The Wellness Center offer a wide range of holistic health options for pregnancy and beyond, from massage therapy to yoga to acupuncture.

Prenatal Special

In April we will be introducing our Prenatal Wellness Package. This package will support you through your pregnancy with monthly, bi-weekly and then weekly massage from the 2nd trimester through the end of the third. You will be billed monthly with payments of $135.00 per month for 6 months. You save 10% off of the regular price. Join during April and you will get a free 30 minute massage for your partner.

Postnatal Special

Postpartum can be a wonderful time, but it is hard on the body. This package helps restore your body and prepare you for the joys (and rigors) that motherhood brings. You will get one postnatal massage with assessment, one follow-up postnatal massage, a one hour postnatal yoga private session and a package of our soothing sitz bath. This package is $250.00.


Prenatal Events At The Wellness Center

We have two exciting prenatal events at The Wellness Center this month!

Free Screening of “It’s My Body, My Baby, My Birth”

April 22, 2017 at 3:00pm-4:00pm.

This movie follows the birth stories of 7 women. As we watch, we see how transformative and empowering birth can be. We will have a short discussion about birth options in the Northern Virginia area after.

Prenatal Nutrition Workshop

April 30, 2017 3:00pm-4:00pm

Eating healthy is more important than ever when you are pregnant, and also when you are preparing to become pregnant! Come learn about proper nutrition during pregnancy to nourish your body and your developing baby. This class will discuss the changes in calorie and nutrient needs, the importance of hydration, safe supplementation and herbs. We will discuss foods to include and avoid. You will also receive a 3-day meal plan and cooking tips. Whether you are currently pregnant or planning to be a mommy soon, this class is for you! As a mom and nutritionist, Elizabeth Owens, will walk you through the steps to optimize prenatal nutrition!

$40 per mom or mom-to-be

$60 per couple, because we know a strong support system is key to being successful! (this is only for spouse/partner/significant other)

For more information or to sign up, click here.