August Special: Fascial Release Facial Massage with Essential Oil Skincare Sample $10 off

Welcome August! The month of beach vacations, hikes to beautiful sunny vales and picnics. Unfortunately all the heat, rich foods and sunshine can take a toll on your skin. This month we are highlighting how to care for your skin naturally. We will explore natural skincare, foods for skin health and much more.

But you can get a jumpstart on caring for your skin with our August special! We are offering a facscial release facial massage with a sample of skincare essential oils from DoTerra. Add this to a 60 Minute (or greater) massage in the month of August and receive $10.00 off your session. You will leave with rejuvenated and vibrant skin. Be sure to book your next session with us today!

Recipe of the Month: Roasted Garlic Gazpacho with Roasted Pistachio Garnish

Let’s face it; it is HOT outside. A recipe that doesn’t require heating up the whole kitchen and slaving over the stove is a blessing in this weather. Gazpacho is an excellent way to get fresh, wholesome nutrition without sacrificing taste. It is easy to prepare and can be eaten with a protein (adding grilled shrimp…yum!) or a salad for a light and healthful meal. The roasted garlic adds a minimal amount of extra work (largely unattended), but it adds layers of deep and delicious flavor.

  • 5 Medium Tomatoes (cored and chopped)
  • 1 Medium Cucumber (peeled, seeded and chopped)
  • 2 Ripe Avocados (peeled, pitted and cubed)
  • 4 tbsp Fresh Lime Juice
  • 4 Cloves of Roasted Garlic (excellent tutorial here)
  • 1 1/2 tsp  ground cumin
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • chopped cilantro and/or parsley as garnish (about a handful)
  • 1c Roasted or Raw Pistachios (chopped for garnish)

Once the ingredients (minus the garnish) have been chopped/prepared, place them in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Transfer the soup to an air-tight container and chill. Serve with cilantro/parsley and pistachio garnish. (Toast the pistachios right before serving in a pan over low heat until you smell a nutty fragrance from the nuts. Chop and use as garnish.) You can always add your favorite hot sauce if your would like a little bit of heat.

The garlic, avocado, pistachio and cilantro/parsley all provide benefits to the respiratory and cardiovascular system and offer added antioxidant benefits. You are also providing vital potassium to your body with the tomatoes and avocados. The whole soup offers an excellent source of hydration in the heat without washing away nutrients. All that and it is delicious, too. Enjoy!

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Essential Oil of the Month: Breathe



Breathe by DoTerra oils is a blend of Laurel Leaf, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Lemon, Ravensara and Cardamom oils. This minty, refreshing and herbaceous blend can be use to open and soothe breathing passages and promote sinus health. Add a few drops of Breathe to a carrier oil and apply it to your feet or use in a diffuser for maximum benefit.

We are offering 10% off the line of Breathe products from DoTerra. We will have the 15ml bottle of Breathe ($23.40, with 10% off), the convenient roller-ball Touch Breathe ($15.30, with 10% off) and the Breathe Vapor Stick ($9.90, with 10% off). These are available to purchase from Heidi Ella Wellness and Massage.

New at The Wellness Center in July

Heidi Ella Wellness and Massage is part of The Wellness Center in Burke, VA. The Wellness Center offering massage, acupuncture, yoga, Pilates, nutrition and educational workshops. During the month of July, there are several great offerings from yoga, massage and nutrition.

The Afternoon of Wellness: Beauty From the Inside Out

  • July 30, 2016
  • 1:45pm-4:45pm
  • $130.00 per person

In this workshop you will get an interactive demonstration of using nutritional wellness to create “beauty from the inside out”. Nutritionist Elizabeth Owens will offer helpful tips on eating healthful foods and creating easy, nutritious meals that will further you on your path to wellness.

Next, Heidi Vivieros will lead you through making your own natural skincare products. By the end you will have made your own facial cleanser, toner and moisturizer that you can bring home for your own use.

Lastly you will receive a 30 minute facial massage using all natural products to leave you with a healthy, beautiful glow.

Kick Your Cravings Workshop

  • July 16, 2016
  • 1:30pm-3:00pm
  • $25.00 per person

Do you constantly feel hungry and never satisfied? Do you find yourself snacking throughout the day, and often at night before bed? Do you crave sugar? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it is time to kick your cravings and balance your blood sugar! Your body and mind will thank you! This class will explain what to eat and what to avoid so you can get through the day without constantly thinking about food, while feeling satisfied and nourished. The dietary changes learned in this class can improve your energy, mental clarity, mood, and those cravings!

Beginners Hatha Yoga

Tuesday Evenings at 6:00pm-7:00pm (Janet Brown)

Thursday Afternoons at 12:00pm-1:00pm (Alicia Cross)

While not a new class, there are new instructors leading the beginners hatha yoga classes at The Wellness Center. Our beloved Jen Hartmann is moving, so her classes have been taken over by Janet Brown and Alicia Cross. If you are new to yoga or just need a refresher, be sure to check out this class. Your instructors will guide you through safe and gentle poses while introducing you to hatha yoga. Our Summer Quarter has begun, but there is still time to register for classes.

Supporting the Muscles of Respiration

Breathing 101

Each and every day you draw a breath without thinking. Sleeping or awake, your body is unconsciously keeping your muscles of respiration working to bring oxygen in and release carbon dioxide as waste. This process is controlled by the most primitive part of our nervous system.

Despite the fact that the process is involuntary, many of us do not use our muscles of respiration to their full potential. Lack of exercise and poor posture all contribute to improper breathing techniques. The diaphragm becomes shortened and less efficient. The accessory muscles of breathing are used more and overworked. This stress on the body can lead to more than just shortness of breath. The digestive, lymphatic and nervous systems can also be effected by shallow breathing.

Deep abdominal breathing is the optimal breathing pattern for the body. In deep abdominal breathing, the breath brings the diaphragm down as the muscles of the abdominal wall expand. The rib cage is allowed to expand passively, rather than the result of the action of the accessory muscles of breathing. This action of the expansion of the abdominal wall and diaphragm helps to massage internal organs, pump the deeper vessels of the lymphatic system and provide ample space and mobility of vessels of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems. It also means increased lung capacity and more oxygen to the cells in the body.

Muscles of Respiration

Diaphragm: The main muscle of passive (resting) respiration. This bells shaped muscle is used to raise and lower the ribs to activate the lungs.

Internal and External Intercostal Muscles: These tiny muscles between the rib cage help to raise and lower the ribs, increasing and decreasing pressure in the thoracic region.

Scalenes: These small muscles (usually a group of 4) help to lift the upper ribs and sternum.

Sternocleidomastoid: This muscle that connects the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid process works with the scalene muscles to raise the ribs and sternum.

Pectoralis Minor: Underneath Pectoralis Major on the front, top of the rib cage, this group of small muscles helps to raise the upper ribs.

Rhomboids: Located on the back between the shoulder blades, this muscle helps to pull back the shoulder blades to provide space for respiration in the upper regions.

 Abdominal Wall (Rectus Abdominus, Transverse Abdominus, and Internal and  External Obliques): These muscles of the abdomen help to expand and contract the belly during deep abdominal breathing.

Quadratus Lumborum: This muscle can impede deep abdominal breathing and the movement of the rib cage when it is shortened.

Practicing Deep Abdominal Breathing

If is simple to begin a practice of retraining the body to perform deep abdominal breathing. First lie on your back in a comfortable position. Next, place one hand on the belly at approximately the navel. Focus your breathing so that you are able to use it to raise and lower your hand. Feel the difference as you use your diaphragm muscle to take breathes, rather than shallow, shoulder breathing. You may find that this process relaxes you. You may need to spend about 15 minutes doing this each day for a week or more before this process becomes more second nature.

How Can Massage Help

Massage therapy can assist you in the process towards promoting deep abdominal breathing. Massage can help to open the body through the shoulder, chest and diaphragm. Your therapist may use myofascial release, trigger point therapy and/or Swedish massage techniques to facilitate this opening. It will take a series of weekly sessions in order to see real results, as the body has spent a long time with inefficient breath.



Muscles of Respiration: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine:

Accessory Muscles of Breathing I and II: Bahnda Yoga: